Under The Arbor

Under The Arbor p1Under The Arbor p2

Sepia-toned, faded photo dated December 27, 1919. Size:  About 2 and 1/2 x 4″

Price:  $5.00

Here’s a lovely, though light (I seem to say this a lot) old photo, dated December 27, 1919. It shows a beautiful young woman with her young son of about four years old (They must be mother and son, I think. You can see a resemblance.) They are standing underneath a wooden arbor that has some type of vine growing on it. If this was taken in December it may have been taken somewhere temperate in winter, unless it was unseasonably comfortable that day. We certainly don’t see any snow, and since the photo was found in a California antique store, it may be that it’s from the West Coast. But it’s some type of waterside scene, at river or lake or next to a peaceful ocean inlet, as we notice the reflection of some trees under the piece of land jutting out on our left. Is that a small boat there on the water? And there are some houses or cottages, some utility poles and in the bottom left corner what looks like a wooden plank walkway. But getting back to the subject of the mother and child – the woman is holding and admiring what may be a cutting from the vine, while the happy boy looks at the camera. It’s just a beautiful image from another century.