Swedish Photographer Per Axel Sjöberg (1865 – 1936)

Woman In Plaid Malmo Sweden cdv2

Above, the reverse side of the CDV from the prior post for photographer Axel Sjöberg.

So, we see it was at least 1905 when this particular CDV was created, per the dates advertising the awards won, and where and when.  “Prisbelönt Med Diplom Samt Svenska Turistföreningens Hederspris”  translates from Google as:  Award-winning with diploma and Swedish Tourist Association’s Honorary Award. Note the beautiful flower and cross design in Malmö, (and underneath:  Stortorget, indicating Sjöberg’s Malmö studio was located in the Main Square.)

In looking online for biographical info for this photographer, we found other CDVs, Cabinet Cards from the 1880s, verification of some of his awards mentioned in various publications of Svenska turistföreningens årsskrift (Swedish Tourist’s Association Yearbook) and a grateful acknowledgement to Sjöberg (among others) from author William Widgery Thomas, Jr. in Sweden and the Swedes (1893) for the use of his landscape photos, “…especially along the Göta Canal.”  Check out the illustrations and other artwork in the eBook, and it looks like great reading (Now, where to find the time? 😉  ) The book was also published in Swedish.

Stepping stones….

From one bit of information to the next, like jumping from stone to stone we find:

From the Swedish website Moderna MuseetAxel Sjöberg (1865-1936). Active in Malmö. He won second prize in the Swedish Touring Club’s first competition in 1933 for his characteristic and poetic images of the flat landscape of Skåne. He also won second prize in the next two competitions organized by the Swedish Touring Club.”

From the website KulterNav:  The full name for the photographer was Per Axel Sjöberg, born June 15, 1865 in Södertälje, Södertälje kommun, Stockholms län (Södertälje, Stockholm County, Sweden). He died July 19, 1936 in Skåne län (Skåne County, Sweden).

Then, a Household Clerical Survey record confirming name, date of birth and occupation, recorded that he’d moved in 1887 from Södertelge to Karlsborgs garnisonsförsamling, (parish) in Skaraborg County. And the online death record showed his place of death as Malmö, Skåne County, Sweden.

Sources:  Svenska turistföreningens årsskrift för år 1899.  Wahlström & Widstrand, Stockholm. p. 419. (Google eBook.)

William W. Thomas, Jr. n.d. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/William_W._Thomas,_Jr. (accessed September 4, 2016).

Thomas, William W. Sweden and the Swedes. Chicago:  Rand, McNally & Company, 1893. (Google eBook).

Thomas, William W. Sverige och Svenskarne: eller Från Slott till Koja. Chicago:  Swedish Publishing Company, 1901. (Google eBook).

Biographies, Axel Sjöberg (1865-1936). Moderna Museet. (accessed September 4, 2016).

“Sjöberg, Axel (1865 – 1936) [sv]”  KulterNav. (accessed September 4, 2016).

Roll/Fiche Number: GO-550; Volume Number: AI:38; Page Number: 93. Ancestry.com. Sweden, Selected Indexed Household Clerical Surveys, 1880-1893.

Swedish Church Records Archive. Johanneshov, Sweden: Genline AB. Ancestry.com. Sweden, Selected Indexed Death Records, 1840-1860 and 1878-1942.

List of Detroit Photographers 1880

  • Abraham, A.W.           187 Grand River ave
  • Allen, Frank W.           83 Michigan ave.
  • Bardwell, J.J.              120 Michigan ave.
  • Joseph Boivert            148 Dubois
  • Bradford, H.J.              257 Michigan ave.
  • Campbell, S.W.           134 Gratiot ave.
  • DeForest, D. A.            1 Larned w.
  • Eisendhardt, C.            204 Randolph
  • Forster, J.T. & Son,      180 Gratiot ave.
  • Hadstate, H.C.              227 Jefferson ave.
  • Hinchey, P. J.                500 Gratiot ave., h [home] same
  • Hunter Bros,                 131 and 133 Michigan ave.
  • Leonard, C.W.              231 Jefferson ave.
  • Levy, Charles               175 Woodward ave.
  • Lutge, Frederick           53 Monroe ave.
  • Marratt’s City Hall Photographic Gallery   131, 133 and 135 Woodward ave.
  • Millard, Charles A.  (Successor to Powelson & Millard)   222 and 224 Woodward ave. (See adv, p. 125.)
  • Randall, C.C.                220 Woodward ave.
  • Simonds, J.S.               149 Jefferson ave.
  • Taylor & Taylor               244 Woodward ave.
  • Tromblay, E.E.               59 Monroe ave.
  • Watson, J.E.                  41 and 43 Monroe ave.

This list of 22 photographers is from the Detroit City Directory for 1880, and includes their business addresses. The use of the small a for avenue or the small w for west, seems to have been the way it was done back then, as this has been noted in other directories, newspaper articles, etc. I found this list while researching Charles Millard, and just thought it was interesting, and that it may come in handy for someone searching for an 1880’s era Detroit photographer. Just as an aside, and by contrast to the number of photographers above, the next category is physicians, and that list holds 220 entries.

Source:  Detroit City Directory for 1880. Compiled and published by J. W. Weeks & Co. (Google books online)