A Token Of Love

A Token of Love pc1A Token Of Love pc2

Divided back, embossed, used postcard. Publisher unknown. Postmarked February 13, 1908 from Pueblo, Colorado.

Price:  $10.00

Cute postcard from 1908 showing a happy little guy in an opened envelope who’s brought the receiver a bunch of four-leaf clovers. The artist has depicted a wooden background and the appearance of the whole image being “tied up” with brown string which has a wax seal and a pink tassel. On the seal the artist put a small red horseshoe. At the bottom left are the words  “A Token of Love.”

Addressed to:  “Miss Henrietta Ellison, 26 St. Cheyenne Ave, Pueblo, Colo.”
The sender, Alice, signed her name on the front.