The Old Dodge Main, Hamtramck, 1940

The Old Dodge Main Hamtramck 1940 pc1The Old Dodge Main Hamtramck 1940 pc2

Divided back, used postcard. Postmarked April 17, 1940 in Detroit, Michigan.

Availability status:  SOLD

Built in 1910 and demolished in 1981, “Dodge Main” as it was commonly called, was the largest of the Chrysler plants, and located in Hamtramck, Michigan. The card’s caption in the “cloud” or maybe that’s factory steam 😉 shows,  “Where Dodge Passenger Cars Are Built – The Home Of Dependability. Detroit, Michigan.”

The postcard’s condition is poor due to the big crease down the middle, but the message on the back is a wonderful example of when a person could drive to the factory to pick up their new car. A. E. Schweitzer, the author of the article in the link above, mentions that many would plan their summer vacations around the purchase of the new vehicle. Whether this was common with car companies at this time or was exclusive to Dodge is a good question to research, but in any case, our sender writes:

“Dear George. We are at the Factory. Will get our car in a short time now. Hope every thing is O.K. at home. Regards to all. Tony[?]”

Sent to:   “Mr. George Hume. Truckee, Calif. Nevada co.”

Source:  Schweitzer, A. E. “Inside the Dodge Main plant:  1910 – 1981.” Allpar. (Web accessed June 25, 2016).