Seal And Bear, Garden Of The Gods, Colorado

Seal And Bear Garden Of The Gods pc1Seal And Bear Garden Of The Gods pc2

Divided back, used postcard. Postmarked June 26, 1915 from Long Island, Kansas. Publisher:  F. H. Langdon & Co., Denver, Colorado. Series or number 210.

Price:  $3.00

“Long Island, June 21.  Dear Cousin, how are you. am O.K. when the mud is dry. have you been boat riding. George and sis was over yesterday and said there was lots of folks boat riding along the river. they said there was four days that the folks couldnt cross. havent got over my corn yet the way it has been it will be a month I think. Come down and see the weeds they are doing well. As ever, J.K.”

Addressed to:   “Miss Lena Davis, Calvert, Kan.”

Long Island in this case is Kansas…And there’s lots going on in this nearly 100 year old message, isn’t there? It makes you think:  mud was a concern for walking or navigating through with any type of vehicle; if the river was high and there was no bridge, and the weather was inclement, then it would be difficult or maybe inadvisable to cross; planting the vegetable garden would be always a major concern every year, what was going on with the corn? But at least the weeds were doing well!

Update:  See the comment from a Garden of the Gods tour guide at the bottom of this post. This prompted me to research, and include below, the following article that appeared in the Great Falls Tribune (Great Falls, MT) April 22, 1942:

Source:  “Aged Garden of Gods Landmark Crumbles.” Great Falls Tribune. (Great Falls, MT) April 22, 1942. (

6 thoughts on “Seal And Bear, Garden Of The Gods, Colorado

  1. I am a tour guide in the Garden of the Gods and you might be interested to know that in the spring of 1942 the “seal” fell from the rock and is no longer there. The rock has been renamed “The Screaming Witch” because without the “seal” it resembles the witch from the Wizard of Oz screaming up at the sky.

  2. Sidewinder, I have some questions about Garden of the Gods history that were not answered on two recent visits. I went to the visitor center information desk to ask, and nobody told me there were guided tours. If you ever see this message–or any other qualified guide does–I would love to ask you some questions.
    And Annieoakley, thank you so much for this page. It was immensely helpful to me.

  3. Hello this is Sidewinder (Tom) a retired school teacher here in Colorado Springs and a tour guide with Adventures Out West. AOW has a contract with the city and the Visitor’s Center to do guided tours in our trolley, special jeeps and hiking. You can find our website with an easy search. I imagine when you visited they meant there were no tours “today” because on cold days we don’t have jeeps at the curbside and you have to call our office. How can I help you. I don’t follow this site, but you can reach me at

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