Summer in the City

Vintage photo, white border. June 1961

Price: $4.00            Size:  5 x 3 and 1/2″

It’s been a long, cold winter here in rural Nevada. This unassuming city scene transports me back to the city, and hot summer days…..

The location is unknown, but I’m picturing Southern California for this candid snapshot – a handsome black guy in white t-shirt, waiting for his ride to roll up a little further, and he’ll pull the handle and get in. Just my interpretation. Behind him a “For Rent” sign sitting in the corner of a building with tiled facade. That side reflects a hill and what looks like a house with car in driveway, and some kind of building next to it. The other window reflects “Thomas Floors”  and “Floor Coverings” and something after that which is unreadable. (A nice trick with reading backwards lettering is taking a quick shot of what’s been enlarged on the monitor and holding it up to a mirror. Just a nice common-sense thing that anyone would think of right away, but fun, because it’s instant and it works.) Nothing was found online for Thomas Floors, though. Sometimes we get lucky, sometimes we don’t.

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