Divided back, used postcard. Postmarked from Galt, California, December 28, year unknown, circa late 1910’s – early 1920’s. Made in United States. Publisher: J. P., New York (Julius Pollak).
Price: $5.00
For information on the postcard’s publisher, see “Publisher Julius Pollak.”
From The Alice Ellison Collection, a nice one for the New Year: A leaded, Gothic Arch-style window, lit from within; set in a stone building (church, home or tavern) snow clinging to the window ledge and stonework. Somewhat superimposed on this scene, two bluebirds sit on a holly branch while a third comes in for a landing.
New Year Greetings
“The best of health – a share of wealth
Be yours this coming year,
But best of all – a host of friends
To fill your days with cheer.”
Addressed to: “Mrs. J. M. Ellison, 604 N Street, Sacramento, Calif.”
The sender wrote: “Just a line to say I may be at church Sunday, but will have to come home on the first car. Hope I will see you at church. Wish you all a Happy New Year, your friend, Mrs. Hame.”
That signature is a little hard to read but I believe the surname is Hame. On the 1920 Federal Census for Alabama Township, Sacramento County, CA, there is a Mrs. Artha Hame, married to a Charles J. Hame. Her maiden name is Stout: We’re given her maiden name on this census by virtue of the fact that two of her brothers are living in the household.
Alabama Township doesn’t show up online today, but from an 1885 map it was situated in the southeast portion of Sacramento County. You would have traveled west to get to the town of Galt. (Enlarge to see Galt appearing in the neighboring township of Dry Creek.)
Sources: Year: 1920; Census Place: Alabama, Sacramento, California; Roll: T625_127; Page: 5A; Enumeration District: 69. (Ancestry.com).
Official Map of Sacramento County. (1885). Library of Congress. https://www.loc.gov/resource/g4363s.la000034/?r=0.385,0.711,0.535,0.215,0.
Galt. n.d. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Galt,_California. (accessed January 2, 2024).