My Birdie And Me

My Birdie And Me p1

Old photo, circa 1913, young woman holding bird

Price:  $4.00       Size:  4 and 1/4 x 2 and 1/2″

Awww, this is nice:  the joyful expression on the young woman’s face, posing on the porch steps, the way she’s sitting sideways, head turned and smiling, the graceful and caring way she’s holding the bird (a wild bird that was rescued?)….the detail in the all-wood background – steps, house siding, posts of the porch railing and door. As for dating the photo, the high-waist skirt might indicate around 1913 or so. No, doubt the blouse was gorgeous, too – note the ruffled-edge, wide cuffs of the elbow-length sleeves.